Sunday, December 29, 2013

Random but Relatable

My dream is to open my own gym. 

It will be very unique (I cannot disclose the uniqueness because the idea is not copyrighted). I was just blogging thinking of all the people who complain about the fact eating healthy is not affordable. I have figured out that there are ways to get around this at the grocery store, but what about eating out healthy?

Now, that is expensive.
Every healthy cafe I walk into the prices are a bit pricey so I want to have a cafe with my gym that will be affordable. If it is a success I will eventually have something in comparison to McDonald's prices *crosses fingers*. I have no idea how I will pull this off, but I know if I want it that bad…I will make it happen. 



Obstacles? Excuses? Over Planning? I have no idea, but it won't stop me.

This is happening….
I absolutely love planning, but for some reason I tend to over plan and begin to stress myself out. 

These are some questions that I need to answer before I start though because I'm afraid they won't fall into place. What am I afraid of, right? 
Well I know I won't fail. 
I'm not giving up.
I will get what I said I was going to get done. 
Nothing will stop me. 
I will give it my all this month. 
So what am I over thinking?

The food part!!!! I feel like this will probably be the biggest challenge for me. See, I can cook the basics of a healthy hearty meal, but I must admit my taste buds get sick of bland food really fast. I used to rely on salt a lot and I'm trying to steer clear. So I'm trying to figure out
1. When will I meal prep?
2. How am I going to stay committed to getting groceries in Chicago winters without a car?
3. What the hell am I going to cook? 


1. I will be at my boyfriend's lair from Fri evening to Sunday. This means I need to meal prep on Thursday night for the following seven days. I can put my meals in plastic bags (weekends) containers (of the week) and keep staple snacks in my gym bag (nuts, fruit, tuna pack, oatmeal packets, rice cakes, carrot&celery baggies). 

2. I'm going to look into getting a zip card membership so I can go to the grocery store less throughout the month and not have to lug my groceries as far. 

3. My mother has this book called "the 2day diet." Although I am not very fond of the title and have no interest in losing weight they have easy and quick healthy recipes that provide all its nutritional facts as well. The first thing NEW I am going to make is a walnut-crusted chicken breast with basil sauce. I will make a some rosemary balsamic vinaigrette for a very basic salad that I have not come up with yet. The book gives recipes, with grocery lists, nutritional facts, and a food log. Seems like great place to start. 

My boyfriend has agreed to help me stay on track with breakfast on the weekends and I will stick to my eggs, oatmeal, and fruit in the morning during the week. 

Okay.I can do this. 

I am going to keep a personal journal for myself with what I eat?…wait, is that really going to help me though? I have tried this before and I did not stick with it. Maybe if I write what I eat down it would help me stay more accountable for what I eat? okay….yeah…no. A specific food journal isn't for me. I'd rather just use this blog to keep track of my days. Any obstacles I face throughout the day, any changes, or challenges I encounter will be logged here. I write enough about my feelings on paper already. Why not share my fitness journey with the world.

Honesty Time:
When I picked up that book that I will be using for simple recipes I got a bit overwhelmed. I got a bit wrapped up thinking about the fact I have to make all this stuff and then I realized I was making it super difficult. I would meal prep basic foods all the time. Reading this book just made me want to do it "the right way." The thing is…everybody's body is different. What is right for me won't necessarily be right for someone else. I have to trial and error. Writing this all out really has helped tremendously though. I will dominate this….and I will get discipline my food habits.
….I'm admitting not admitting that I eat a lot of candy when it's sitting around me so it is forbidden in my house. I just have to put forth extra effort when I'm not in my house.

Determined Lady,

Friday, December 27, 2013

Getting All My Anxiety Out Now

what am I facing before this challenge?
My Leg! -_-
I've been having serious issues with my right leg. Last summer I think it started with a small tear during hot yoga in my hamstring. I wrote it off, ignored it, and continued to dance and workout. Last December I completely pulled my left hamstring  and took me about two-three months to fully recover. I suspect I overcompensated a lot on my right leg because I kind of had to and unconsciously made some things worse in my right leg.

I've took a semester off from dancing to focus on my major studies since I've finished my minor in dance anyway=lack of fluid movement on a daily basis. I do yoga every now and then, but not enough as I should to keep up with how flexible I used to be. My right hamstring has gotten tight and a bit annoying and bothersome.
"Pain" Is a very serious word for me so I'll say it is causing me discomfort on a scale of 1-10 about a 6-7.

First the insertion point near my medial tendon started bothering me the most. Then the entire hamstring. I can feel it a little in my calf, but not at lot. Recently though I have been getting these really bad pains in my foot (all on the same side) that take me about 1-2days of rest to get rid of. So I'm assuming this is an alignment issue. Why?

When I walk downstairs my knee pops repetitively.
When I squat now my knee pops repetitively.
When I jog, same thing.

I would go to a physical therapist, but they may not be able to tell me the problem since I don't have an injury. And to be honest since i'm so mentally ready for january I would wait on therapy if I could still keep moving. Because I'm stubborn. and I really want to complete this challenge I've worked so hard to plan. And it's the one time I have a break from school besides summer and I don't want to wait that long.

So here we go!: I might go get a consultation from Athletico…
then i'll do my own therapy if they don't think it's too detrimental.
-Theraband exercises for your ankles and feet
-Foot roller
-power walking for 30mins a day
-step ups
-single legged deadlifts
-flatback leg lifts
-hip thrusts
-foam roll

I'm doing this challenge.
I'm going to stop stressing about the "what could happens" and keep it moving.
I'll try my best to take care of myself and listen to my body and support system as much as I can even if it means taking a rest day when I don't want to.
Whatever happens along the way…I'll deal with it.
I refuse to let this ruin or impede my progress because that would be the easy way out.
Easy doesn't bring results.
Because I'm a champion….and champions do not believe in defeat.



Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Reason I Decided to Finally Start a Journal

Well I finally caved.
The guilt from my holiday indulgences could have something to do with it, but this started a week before the holidays. I have concluded that my problem is staying consistent on the weekends and the holidays.
-On the weekends I go to my boyfriend's lair for three days and I have convinced myself that those free days are my rest days.
-On holidays, I come home with my family and I am so mentally sick of school I do not want to do anything required at all in life.

And i'm getting tired of this. The reason for this post is not a new years resolution, but it just so happens that I will be returning to my second home for the new year so I vow to be the person I want to be starting January 6th. There is absolutely no point in me trying to start before then because I mentally know that I will not fully commit therefore, do not want it that bad until then. I cannot use any excuses that my parents don't have enough healthy food in the house, i don't have my long leggings, i don't have my running shoes, i don't have blah blah blah. You get it.

Wanting it bad enough….
This is the secret guys. This is the secret! When people say that there is no magic pill they're serious. People who make drastic jaw dropping weight changes that make you want to go run on the treadmill as soon as you see them were so committed because they wanted to change that bad! 
Which is why my favorite hashtag is #cuziwantithatbad

When I want a snickers bar after leg day and I have to walk down two flights of stairs to the vending machine…i want it so bad that I walk to the elevator with guilty eyes to take it one floor down so I can grab a snickers bar I'm not even supposed to have in the first place. But I did it #cuziwantitthatbad

When I refuse to eat candy for three weeks so I can break my bad candy habit #cuziwantitthatbad

It's not easy, but it starts with the little changes first. Getting a turkey wrap instead of a auntie anne's salted pretzel at the airport. Grabbing carrots instead of going out to buy a stack of lifesaver. Once I discipline myself mentally everything else will fall into place. I am so sure of this because it has happened before. Earlier this year at the end of January I began my fitness journey in 2013 and I was so hungry for transforming my body. I was willing to do whatever it took.

**I would wake up at 7am to get to downtown Chicago by 9am so I could workout two hours before my dance classes. I would cook every sunday for seven days of the week. I would eat in between classes, drink my protein shakes, take 2-3 dance classes a day, go to my "sit down and eat classes," then go home shower and do it all again. A 45min train ride, with a 10minute walk to the train station, in the blistering wind, yucky Chicago snow, and freezing cold, I made it to the gym. **

This is what made me happy. I remember nothing, but positivity when I would wake up in the morning and I was operating on this level. Yes there would be days when I was so tired and absolutely did not want to leave my snuggle cave and other times I would be pissy mad because I had to travel 45minutes downtown, but you know what?
Witin 15minutes of me warming up on the elliptical, I was so happy, proud, and felt accomplished that I AT LEAST got out of bed and ate breakfast.

It's the little changes that get you to the big accomplishments. So this whole post was an initiation post for myself.
I am committing to the following things:

The Discipline Challenge 
-Hot yoga for five days a week for the month of January
-Heavy workouts four days a week
-Cardio bunny Sat and Sun (make this routine)
-Meal prep on Sunday or Monday
-ONE cheat day on the weekend only!
-at least 30minutes of interpreting a day (yeah I said it)

Now, I understand things happen and routines get thrown off sometimes. I am also going to make sure that I do not get upset if I miss a workout or have to take an unscheduled rest day somewhere in there. I will be blogging about my journey through January about my experiences here starting January 6th!

I have created the following calendar for january. This seems a bit intense, and it is I must admit, but I feel like I want to take my fitness to the next level. I will stay loyal to my blogging throughout and do my best to stick to my plan for january. I am going to switch it up in February, but I just want to prove to myself again that I have the discipline and I can change my "wants" into "cans." January 6th here I come.

p.s. before and after pictures will be included.

Loving myself,