Sunday, December 29, 2013

Obstacles? Excuses? Over Planning? I have no idea, but it won't stop me.

This is happening….
I absolutely love planning, but for some reason I tend to over plan and begin to stress myself out. 

These are some questions that I need to answer before I start though because I'm afraid they won't fall into place. What am I afraid of, right? 
Well I know I won't fail. 
I'm not giving up.
I will get what I said I was going to get done. 
Nothing will stop me. 
I will give it my all this month. 
So what am I over thinking?

The food part!!!! I feel like this will probably be the biggest challenge for me. See, I can cook the basics of a healthy hearty meal, but I must admit my taste buds get sick of bland food really fast. I used to rely on salt a lot and I'm trying to steer clear. So I'm trying to figure out
1. When will I meal prep?
2. How am I going to stay committed to getting groceries in Chicago winters without a car?
3. What the hell am I going to cook? 


1. I will be at my boyfriend's lair from Fri evening to Sunday. This means I need to meal prep on Thursday night for the following seven days. I can put my meals in plastic bags (weekends) containers (of the week) and keep staple snacks in my gym bag (nuts, fruit, tuna pack, oatmeal packets, rice cakes, carrot&celery baggies). 

2. I'm going to look into getting a zip card membership so I can go to the grocery store less throughout the month and not have to lug my groceries as far. 

3. My mother has this book called "the 2day diet." Although I am not very fond of the title and have no interest in losing weight they have easy and quick healthy recipes that provide all its nutritional facts as well. The first thing NEW I am going to make is a walnut-crusted chicken breast with basil sauce. I will make a some rosemary balsamic vinaigrette for a very basic salad that I have not come up with yet. The book gives recipes, with grocery lists, nutritional facts, and a food log. Seems like great place to start. 

My boyfriend has agreed to help me stay on track with breakfast on the weekends and I will stick to my eggs, oatmeal, and fruit in the morning during the week. 

Okay.I can do this. 

I am going to keep a personal journal for myself with what I eat?…wait, is that really going to help me though? I have tried this before and I did not stick with it. Maybe if I write what I eat down it would help me stay more accountable for what I eat? okay….yeah…no. A specific food journal isn't for me. I'd rather just use this blog to keep track of my days. Any obstacles I face throughout the day, any changes, or challenges I encounter will be logged here. I write enough about my feelings on paper already. Why not share my fitness journey with the world.

Honesty Time:
When I picked up that book that I will be using for simple recipes I got a bit overwhelmed. I got a bit wrapped up thinking about the fact I have to make all this stuff and then I realized I was making it super difficult. I would meal prep basic foods all the time. Reading this book just made me want to do it "the right way." The thing is…everybody's body is different. What is right for me won't necessarily be right for someone else. I have to trial and error. Writing this all out really has helped tremendously though. I will dominate this….and I will get discipline my food habits.
….I'm admitting not admitting that I eat a lot of candy when it's sitting around me so it is forbidden in my house. I just have to put forth extra effort when I'm not in my house.

Determined Lady,

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